Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Great Panels: Under the tigers head...

todays panels come from "Vengeance of the Tiger Queen" which appears in Baffling Mysteries number 12. published in 1951 by Ace magazines. unfortunately they didn't give anyone any credits so maybe that's what the title baffling mysteries is refering to.

man this story had so many good panels in it it was hard to choose just one (so i posted two). you can see the whole story over here at the awesome the Horrors of it all blog.



kimartoc said...

Interesting blog, original content, keep up the good work...

Rob said...

Not every day you find a disembodied tiger head floating over headless mans torso. Plus why no neck in this scenario, to sort of attach everything together?

andy ristaino said...


well original to the point that i'm posting other people's artwork

for those answers and more go to the link int the post with the entire story.

Franky said...

hello, this blog is very interenting, please keep posting

Franky said...

hello, i follow your blog, please follow me to in marchsya blog

Kaitlyn Bolyard said...

This weirdness kind of reminds me of a Sandman graphic novel I read in college. It's good to know that the weird roots run deep in the comic world. But that Sandman gave me nightmares!

Laynee; said...

Very interesting, The comics kind of disturb me a little bit, but it's pretty original and creative, good job!

Rod Duncan said...

Freaky and wonderful.


grodrigues said...

Oi, muito bom... Visite meu blog:

grodrigues said...

Oi, muito bom... Visite meu blog:

Just Michael said...

Haha. Why can't comics be like this now?

Tales From The Ink said...

Cool expression of macabre especially for the era. It's amazing what comics could get away with during that time.

Anonymous said...

I love how he mentions the headless body AFTER the roaring tiger head, as if he'd only just noticed it.

zhanglinnetwork said...

hello, this blog is very interenting, please keep posting

Dru Casey said...

three letters...WTF

Elliot said...

I hate it when random headless people stand under the floating head of the tiger I killed.

Cool blog, though. Very creative.
