Monday, March 2, 2009

pretty amazing video

Watch the people's reactions as a camera makes the rounds at a local sushi restaurant in Tomakomai, Hokkaido, Japan.


Beth said...

What a creative idea!!! How fun is that?! :)

Anonymous said...

that was so cool. :)

AJ said...

That was lots of fun, thanks for sharing.

Michael Reid said...

Great idea.

TG said...

Very good video. I enjoyed watching it from the start to the beginning. Great! (BTW, spammer on top)

C. W. said...

that was funny. most of the kids just looked at it like "wow. that's a videocamera." thanks for sharing, man.

OBdaDA said...

GooD JoB
VeRy enJOYabLe
NeaT coNcepT

Jon L said...

That is very cool!

Musikero said...

Very creative!!! That's a great idea. Will do it too here in the Philippines. I just hope no one will snatch my cam. Lol!

Lu said...

how giggly everybody was. so nice. i could imagine that in some countries it would have a rather negative effect

Kaitlyn Bolyard said...

It took me until the end to figure out how it was being filmed. At first I thought that maybe it was a moving camera that was always in the restaurant and people could watch themselves on a big screen. That would be a cool idea!

HansYHP said...

wow your blog is nice!

Bandof2brothers said...

haha nice thats preety cool thats a sweet idea. on a side note could i have some help? For a school project we needed to create a blog and get people's opinions on the war in general and the differences from World War 2 to today, could you or anyone reading this please check it out?:) It would be a huge help the url is